Package org.mapstruct

Annotation Type Qualifier

    public @interface Qualifier
    Declares an annotation type to be a qualifier. Qualifier annotations allow unambiguously identify a suitable mapping method in case several methods qualify to map a bean property, iterable element etc.

    Can be used in:


     // create qualifiers
     public @interface TitleTranslator {}
     public @interface EnglishToGerman {}
     public @interface GermanToEnglish {}
     // we can create class with map methods
     public class Titles {
         public String translateTitleEnglishToGerman(String title) {
             // some mapping logic
         public String translateTitleGermanToEnglish(String title) {
             // some mapping logic
     // usage
     @Mapper( uses = Titles.class )
     public interface MovieMapper {
          @Mapping( target = "title", qualifiedBy = { TitleTranslator.class, EnglishToGerman.class } )
          GermanRelease toGerman( OriginalRelease movies );
     // generates
     public class MovieMapperImpl implements MovieMapper {
          private final Titles titles = new Titles();
          public GermanRelease toGerman(OriginalRelease movies) {
              if ( movies == null ) {
                  return null;
              GermanRelease germanRelease = new GermanRelease();
              germanRelease.setTitle( titles.translateTitleEnglishToGerman( movies.getTitle() ) );
              return germanRelease;
    NOTE: Qualifiers should have RetentionPolicy.CLASS.
    Sjaak Derksen
    See Also: