Package org.mapstruct

Annotation Type SubclassMapping

  • @Repeatable(SubclassMappings.class)
    public @interface SubclassMapping
    Configures the mapping to handle hierarchy of the source type.

    The subclass to be mapped is to be specified via source(). The subclass to map to is to be specified via target().

    This annotation can be combined with @Mapping annotations.

     public interface MyMapper {
        @SubclassMapping (target = TargetSubclass.class, source = SourceSubclass.class)
        TargetParent mapParent(SourceParent parent);
        TargetSubclass mapSubclass(SourceSubclass subInstant);
    Below follow examples of the implementation for the mapParent method. Example 1: For parents that cannot be created. (e.g. abstract classes or interfaces)
     // generates
     public TargetParent mapParent(SourceParent parent) {
         if (parent instanceof SourceSubclass) {
             return mapSubclass( (SourceSubclass) parent );
         else {
             throw new IllegalArgumentException("Not all subclasses are supported for this mapping. Missing for "
                        + parent.getClass());
    Example 2: For parents that can be created. (e.g. normal classes or interfaces with @Mapper( uses = ObjectFactory.class ) )
     // generates
     public TargetParent mapParent(SourceParent parent) {
         TargetParent targetParent1;
         if (parent instanceof SourceSubclass) {
             targetParent1 = mapSubclass( (SourceSubclass) parent );
         else {
             targetParent1 = new TargetParent();
             // ...
    Ben Zegveld
    • Required Element Summary

      Required Elements 
      Modifier and Type Required Element Description
      Class<?> source  
      Class<?> target  
    • Optional Element Summary

      Optional Elements 
      Modifier and Type Optional Element Description
      Class<? extends Annotation>[] qualifiedBy
      A qualifier can be specified to aid the selection process of a suitable mapper.
      String[] qualifiedByName
      String-based form of qualifiers; When looking for a suitable mapping method for a given property, MapStruct will only consider those methods carrying directly or indirectly (i.e. on the class-level) a Named annotation for each of the specified qualifier names.
    • Element Detail

      • source

        Class<?> source
        the source subclass to check for before using the default mapping as fallback.
      • target

        Class<?> target
        the target subclass to map the source to.
      • qualifiedBy

        Class<? extends Annotation>[] qualifiedBy
        A qualifier can be specified to aid the selection process of a suitable mapper. This is useful in case multiple mapping methods (hand written or generated) qualify and thus would result in an 'Ambiguous mapping methods found' error. A qualifier is a custom annotation and can be placed on a hand written mapper class or a method.
        the qualifiers
        See Also:
      • qualifiedByName

        String[] qualifiedByName
        String-based form of qualifiers; When looking for a suitable mapping method for a given property, MapStruct will only consider those methods carrying directly or indirectly (i.e. on the class-level) a Named annotation for each of the specified qualifier names.

        Note that annotation-based qualifiers are generally preferable as they allow more easily to find references and are safe for refactorings, but name-based qualifiers can be a less verbose alternative when requiring a large number of qualifiers as no custom annotation types are needed.

        One or more qualifier name(s)
        See Also:
        qualifiedBy(), Named