MapStruct 1.2.0.CR1 released

I’m very happy to announce the first candidate release of MapStruct 1.2!

The CR1 release mostly provides bug fixes and other smaller improvements since the Beta 3, e.g. related to the handling of the @ObjectFactory annotation (issues #1131 and #1242). Further fixes concern the handling of imports in the generated code (#1227, #543) and the error reporting in case of incorrect mapper definitions (#1150, #1185).


MapStruct 1.2.0.Beta3 is out

The summer is nearly there, and so is MapStruct 1.2. Today it’s my pleasure to announce another release on our way to the Final: MapStruct 1.2 Beta 3!

This release continues to improve and stabilize the new feature of automatically creating sub-mapping methods. By default, no sub-mapping methods are generated for any types of the JDK (as those are typically no bean types which one would like to step into in the course of mapping). If more fine-grained control is needed, there is an SPI now which lets you define for which types sub-mapping methods should be created. Eventually, you also can turn off automatic sub-mappings completely if you prefer to have full control by explicitly defining all required bean mapping methods.

Besides that, several bugs were fixed:

  • The generated mappers were missing import statements in some cases (#1215, #1164)
  • Field mappings didn’t work for nested target properties (#1155)
  • Accessing a non-existent nested target property wasn’t handled gracefully (#1153)

MapStruct 1.2.0.Beta2 released

Just shy of a month after the first Beta release of MapStruct 1.2, the team is happy to announce the second Beta, fixing a couple of bugs that sneaked in with the many new features offered by the new 1.2 release line.

We fixed 16 issues, most of them reported by users. The most infamous bugs reported and fixed are:

Plus, the newly introduced automapping feature now also creates Enum mapping methods.


Support for Lombok, direct field access and much more: MapStruct 1.2.0.Beta1 is out

It’ my pleasure to announce the first Beta release of MapStruct 1.2.

The new release comes with a whole lot of new functionality, e.g.:

  • MapStruct can now be used together with Project Lombok
  • Support for Java 8 streams
  • Mappings based on public fields (i.e. you can write DTOs without getters and setters)
  • Automatic creation of sub-mapping methods
  • Mapping methods can take “pass-through” context parameters, addressing different use cases like
  • Passing a locale, timezone or similar to custom mapping methods
  • Keeping track of processed nodes in circular object graphs
  • Target bean factory methods can access a mapping’s source parameter(s)

New Year, new Website!

The MapStruct team wishes a Happy New Year to all our users out there!

To start the new year fresh, we’ve given some love to our website. While its looks only slightly changed, its inner workings have been overhauled from ground up. It’s driven by Hugo now, a static website generator written in Go which is very popular these days.