MapStruct Spring Extensions 1.1.3 released

It is my pleasure to announce the next official release of MapStruct Spring Extensions. What started out as a StackOverflow question turned into its own (sub-)project within the MapStruct organization.

Changes in this release:

  • The change introduced in the previous release which stored TypeDescriptors as fields in the generated Adapter class caused rare issues with certain generic type definitions. Jesse Bonzo has thankfully provided a fix for this.
  • The modified converter scan led to errors when used with multiple SpringMapperConfigs in the same project, because it would generate several configurations with identical bean names. Thanks to simonovdenis, we have now got an option to configure the name for the generated configuration as well.

Including the annotations and extensions defined in this project will generate a class acting as bridge between MapStruct’s conventions and Spring' s ConversionService API that in turn can be added to any Mapper’s uses attribute. See the examples for details.



MapStruct 1.6.3 bug fix released

It is my pleasure to announce the 1.6.3 bug fix release of MapStruct. This release includes 3 bug fixes. You may wonder where the Blog Post for 1.6.2 is. There was no blog post as we released it immediately after 1.6.1 due to a regression in the 1.6.1 release, when using Java records. With this release we support the use of the Java 19 LinkedHashSet and LinkedHashMap factory methods. Redundant if condition in Java record mapping with RETURN_DEFAULT strategy (#3747) Stackoverflow with Immutables custom builder (#3370) Unused import of java.

MapStruct 1.6.1 bug fix released

It is my pleasure to announce the 1.6.1 bug fix release of MapStruct. This release includes 1 enhancement and 8 bug fixes, including some regressions introduced in 1.6.0.

With this release we support the use of the Java 19 LinkedHashSet and LinkedHashMap factory methods.


MapStruct Spring Extensions 1.1.2 released

It is my pleasure to announce the next official release of MapStruct Spring Extensions. What started out as a StackOverflow question turned into its own (sub-)project within the MapStruct organization.

Changes in this release:

  • TypeDescriptors will now be kept as fields in generated ConversionServiceAdapters which can speed up the conversion process. Thanks to Jesse Bonzo for this contribution.
  • The generated ConverterScan so far used the legacy @PostConstruct annotation from the deprecated javax.annotation package underneath. Thanks to Jeff Schnitzer’s contribution, the generator now checks for the availability of the “new” jakarta.annotation.PostConstruct annotation and will prefer this if it’s available. For reasons of backwards compatibility, javax.annotation.PostConstruct is the fallback.

Including the annotations and extensions defined in this project will generate a class acting as bridge between MapStruct’s conventions and Spring' s ConversionService API that in turn can be added to any Mapper’s uses attribute. See the examples for details.