MapStruct 1.6.0 is out

I am very happy to announce the final release of MapStruct 1.6! This is our 6th major release since November 2015.

As you can see with this release we decided to remove the .Final and only use the version (1.6.0). We’ll keep doing this for final releases.

Besides bug fixes, the 1.6 release brings some new exciting features:

  • Access to target / source property names in conditional and mapping methods
  • Conditional mapping for source parameters
  • Passing annotations to generated code
  • Add javadoc to generated code
  • New built-in conversions

MapStruct 1.6.0.RC1 is out

I am very happy to announce the first (and last) release candidate of MapStruct 1.6. We are looking into release the final version of 1.6 in the next two weeks.

This release provides mostly bug fixes since 1.6.0.Beta2.

This release contains 2 breaking changes, have a look at them when upgrading


Conditional mapping for source parameters and much more: MapStruct 1.6.0.Beta2 is out

It’s my pleasure to announce the second Beta release of MapStruct 1.6.

The new release comes with some new functionality, e.g.:

  • Conditional mapping for source parameters
  • Support to access source property name in condition methods via an annotation

This release is also our first release that has been fully automated using the great JReleaser. This would hopefully mean that we can realase more often, as the burden of manual release has been reduced.

We’d like to thank our new supporters:

And of course thanks to our previous supporters:

If you’d like to join this list and donate to the project MapStruct is accepting donations through Open Collective or GitHub.


MapStruct Spring Extensions 1.1.1 released

It is my pleasure to announce the next official release of MapStruct Spring Extensions. What started out as a StackOverflow question turned into its own (sub-)project within the MapStruct organization.

Changes in this release:

  • This release is functionally identical to 1.1.0. The only modification worthwhile mentioning is a fix to the dependencies for the newly introduced test-extensions module which now won’t rely on outdated Spring versions anymore. Thanks to George Noble for pointing out this oversight which led to some organizations rejecting the library due to a security vulnerability in the respective Spring versions.

Including the annotations and extensions defined in this project will generate a class acting as bridge between MapStruct’s conventions and Spring' s ConversionService API that in turn can be added to any Mapper’s uses attribute. See the examples for details.


Support for accessing property names, passing annotations to generated code, sponsoring MapStruct and much more: MapStruct 1.6.0.Beta1 is out

It’s my pleasure to announce the first Beta release of MapStruct 1.6.

The new release comes with a lot of new functionality, e.g.:

  • Access to target / source property names in conditional and mapping methods
  • Passing annotations to generated code
  • Add javadoc to generated code
  • New built-in conversions

With this release we are also happy to announce that MapStruct has started accepting donations through Open Collective or GitHub. We’d like to thank to everyone that has already started in supporting us: